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 BEWARE Naturalized Nepalese US citizens... I saw this ..
SAVE! for ease of future access.
Posted on 01-30-25 1:55 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Some guy who works for Embassy wrote this:
"The USCIS is reviewing all Nepalese Naturalized US citizens' application for asylum dated back from 2001.
There has been complaints about some 6000 Nepalese asylees submitting false evidence about Maoist insurgency during the time they applied for asylum in the US."
Posted on 01-30-25 2:37 PM     [Snapshot: 84]     Reply [Subscribe]
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LOL...sajha ma lastai dar dekhauna thalya chan aajkal. Haina yeti samma darauna ni pardaina hai. Kehi bhayena bhane aru desh tira apply garera jane. TPS ma baseka haru le ta ahile samma ramrai paisa saving garya holan ni. Tehi ni Nepal ko barema media le negative news haru teti deko ni chaina ra Nepali lai normally target ni garya chaina. Republican ko agenda bhanya immigration kam garne ho, tara jabo legal, illegal sab garera 5 lakh ni nabhako desh lai k ka target garnu. Ali ali garo parla tara ya sajha ma jattiko dar dekhayeka chan teti samma kehi ni hudaina.
Posted on 01-30-25 6:48 PM     [Snapshot: 271]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ke achamma gareko yo? Aru deshma chahi manchhe basnai hudaina ra?
Posted on 01-30-25 11:09 PM     [Snapshot: 462]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mailai pani Hogwarts ko ullu le yestai khabar deko.

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